Sunday, March 08, 2015

I looked at...

...the website of the Dominican Sisters of St Joseph to catch up with their news, and learned that Sister Hyacinthe and Sister Michelle had been leading a retreat in the UAE. "How suitable" I thought "A University...perhaps they mean UEA (University of East Anglia)".  But no. They've been in the United Arab Emirates...where by all accounts the Church is growing rapidly. And it looked so joyful, and somehow exciting and invigorating: lots of young people, lots of joy - and, yes, the obligatory posing with camels...

It's so strange pondering the future: Mohammedans gleefully growing stronger and stronger in Europe, and Christianity on the march in what were once the desert heartlands of the Mohammedan faith.

But the Sisters are renewing the Faith here in England too - there's no stopping them. Want to be part of it? Prepared to do a lot of praying and walking? Click here for getting on to the St John Paul II PIlgrimage for the New Evangelisation. Book yourself in: remember John Paul 's call:"Young people: Christ calls you, the Church needs you, and the Pope believes in you and expects great things of you."  For those who were young when the great JPII made that call - come and show the way to the next generation. And for those who are young today:come, come - there are great things ahead...

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