Tuesday, December 04, 2012


...young people at St Patrick's, Soho Square, including a couple of seminarians from Australia working in the parish, all take part in a Catholic History Walk. We explore Holborn, St Giles, Lincolns Inn Fields, Ely Place. The Aussies are delighted to encounter the Ship Inn, where Bishop Richard Challoner used to meet and teach Catholics in penal times: they had been taught about this and now were actually visiting the pub itself! We walk down High  Holborn, pray in St Etheldreda's  and I show them the plaque we placed there commemorating the long link of the church to the Catholic Writers' Guild. It still seems odd to realise that Fleet Street simply doesn't have any link with newspapers any more, and that when we use the term "Fleet Street" meaning the press, it is for historical reasons. Golly, I'm old...

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