Tuesday, September 27, 2011

I'm off to Walsingham in a couple of weeks...

...and if you are interested in the shrine there, you can read about it here...


  1. Sounds wonderful. We don't have any pilgramge site here in the US. Such a loss. We should create one.

  2. You can't really create a pilgrimage site. Something has to happen to attract the pilgrims, like a saint dying there.

  3. This isn't a comment about Walsingham per se- but I did have a question about one of your books. (Saw your interview on EWTN bookmark about A Nun with a Difference- loved it, can't wait to read it).
    But this is about a much older book of yours "Prayers from the Heart for everyday things." Can't find it anywhere- Gracewing Publ. didn't have a copy for me either- any ideas? Have a blessed week.

  4. Dear Sofie

    I am afraid this book may be out of print. I produced it some years ago. If Gracewing doesn't have any copies, then I am fairly sure there won't be any around in shops...you could try eBay.I have just one (rather battered) copy here at home.


  5. Malcolm, I understand, but we do have had saints from here and I assume they died somewhere. ;)

  6. Joanne could you post this for Sophie please?

    Sofie, it seems that the following UK online book site has the book she is seeking...


  7. Thank you Dawn! I've been away from my computer for a bit, and I had completely given up on finding a copy of that book.
    Great! Have a blessed week-
