Saturday, November 21, 2009

Come and learn about reviving the Catholic Faith... a screening of a new DVD on just this theme. Aimed specially at the young, but everyone is welcome. "Arise once more" sets out the steps for an authentic revival of Catholicism in Britain.

Beginning with the early arrival of Christianity in Britain, this film takes you on a tour of Catholic history, through the Medieval period and the Reformation, the Second Spring, the Modern Crisis, and ends with hopes and plans for the revival....

Commentary is provided by various speakers and authors including Fr Marcus Holden, Fr Andrew Pinsent, Fr Thomas Crean, Fr
Nicholas Schofield, and more.


- Our Lady of Lourdes, Uxbridge, Middlesex
Friday 27th November 2:00pm

- St Joseph's, New Malden, Surrey
Friday November 27th at 8pm

- Parish of St. Benedict, Ealing Abbey
Saturday 28th November 2:00pm

- Our Lady of the Rosary, Blackfen, Kent
Saturday 28th November 7:15pm

- St. Augustine’s, Tunbridge Wells, Kent
Sunday 29th November 7:00pm

For further details about the DVD or to order a copy visit
(promotional video clip on website) Tel: 01834 812643


  1. Caught you on a screening of the DVD yesterday at Ealing Abbey. Great start to the series. Hope for more. Acouple of people I was speaking to after Mass were also appreciative

    I gather the next is on confession and may come out in January 2010

    Jose Carry

  2. I just watched the DVD I received from the CTS last night. Beautiful production. I was interested in your insight into the breakdown of confidence in England/Europe after two 20th century world wars and how it led to the decline of tradition, values, faith, etc. (in the U.S.A. we might have gained confidence in our nation's power and influence in the world--yet we endured the same decline, perhaps delayed until the 1970s because of scandals and a very unpopular war).
    I wonder if you'd be interested in my book, "Supremacy and Survival: How Catholics Endured the English Reformation" published by Scepter in 2009. I've used my name and URL to leave this comment in case you want to contact me. Best regards,
    Stephanie Mann
