Sunday, April 27, 2008

At Mass...

..I was next to a dear little Korean/English family - enchantingly solemn baby boy on Daddy's lap, Mummy's hand occasionally proferring a finger to be held. A good-sized congregation sang a Missa de Angelis with Credo III and some of my favourite hymns. Then I cycled on to Mother's and we took ourselves out to a cafe for some coffee and raspberry-and-chocolate buns. A terrific thunderstorm broke out and it was rather satisfying watching it from the safe haven behind streaming windows - and afterwards the air was gloriously fresh and cool.

There is the most fabulous blossom on all the trees in London's surburban gardens at the moment, a promise of a good apple crop later in the year.

Only blots on the landscape were the groups of angry and blank-faced girls and boys in the shopping-centres, drinking and sullenly exchanging loud obscenities (snippet of conversation as I passed:"Yeah, so, like, I told her, to, like, f*** off, as she, like, f****ing annoys me...") and the cascades of litter on street corners, aound bus stops, in shop doorways, and anywhere else where it can cluster. April in England.


  1. Dear Joanna,
    Completely off topic, but I just wanted to say how much I have enjoyed your show on EWTN, Feasts and Seasons. I hope you will be making many more.
    And, I also have a list of men who I think ought to be made Bishops.

    In Christ Jesus,

  2. Anonymous4:05 pm

    Dear Joanna - liked reading your blog intro. It sounds like you enjoy similar things to me.
    I am a Quaker. I would love to be in London. Even to visit but health precludes much travel. :( I am in Cambridge - and from my window as I try to search for agents to send my historical novel to - can enjoy the apple blossom and the crab apple blossom on the hedgerow of big trees across the allotments.
    It is depressing when I hear the youth talking as you did. If only they understood....I overheard a young girl saying to her friends (I can't repeat it all) 'I haven't had a good a f...week!
    and more etc.....she didn't look old enough to be out alone...I will look in on your blog again and join later. And look out your work. Go well. Brenda

  3. Anonymous6:30 pm

    Carshalton has been going down for years, but its not yet as low as Mitcham.

  4. Anonymous9:11 pm

    Sounds much like Spring in Manhattan, especially the behavior of certain young people. On the other hand, on the occasion of the Pope's visit I had the luck to observe a group of teenage boys, who passed my building on their way somewhere. Several of them carried banners welcoming the Holy Father, and the rest clapped rhythmically, and every so often punctuated the clapping by shooting one fist in the air, and exclaiming "Pope!"
    They were greeted with warm applause and encouragement along the way. They looked to be much happier than the surly, foul-mouthed teens on the train.
