Thursday, November 15, 2007


... and celebrations and so on, is a popular theme as Christmas approaches so I have a lot of invitations to speak at this time of the year on "Discovering traditional feasts and seasons", in connection with my book (which you can order by clicking on this link, and scrolling down. The book has recipes, games, stories, ideas for all sorts of activities...). Canterbury was a delight - it was a pleasure to be with the students and to talk with Fr Peter Geldard, with whom I did an interview for Catholic Answers a while back...

Hurried back from Kent to London, recorded some talks for Premier Radio (they will, I think, be broadcast in the week of Nov 26th as an early-morning "Thought of the day"), then went on to relatives where I was to babysit for niece E. We had a very happy evening. I helped her with maths homework, enjoying her comments: "A boy drinks half a litre of milk a day... Ugh, that's really greedy of him. He shouldn't drink that much..." We played a game of snakes-and-ladders, and one of chess, and it was all v. agreeable.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous2:55 am

    Many thanks for the link to "Premier Radio"! I'm enjoying it right now and will watch their schedules so I can hear your programme!

    I love to read your blog and picture England as she's meant to be: Our Lady's Dowry.

    We Americans like seeing Great Britain as the beautiful place you depict with beautiful scenes from your wonderful Christian life.

    Mary (the one from Philadelphia)
