Monday, November 05, 2007

Quantities of cheerful children...

...were scurrying about as I arrived at Highfield House in Chertsey, where I was giving a talk on "Celebrating Traditional Feasts and Seasons" to the Cor et Lumen Christi Community. I had never met this community before, but among the lovely families taking part in this Family Day were some that I knew, who enjoy the various events sponsored by this group - it was good to reconnect with old friends and to chat and exchange news. A warm and welcoming atmosphere, and a sense of great devotion at Mass: NOTE TO ANYONE CONCERNED ABOUT NOISY CHILDREN IN CHURCH - this group, which has enormous numbers of children, including babies and toddlers, seems to have discovered the secret of how to have them quiet at Mass!

The house is owned by the Community, and four families live there, each with its own flat, and all sorts of events and retreats are organised, attended by people from the local area and also from much further afield. The roots of Cor et Lumen Christi are in the Charismatic Renewal. A priest from the Franciscan Friars of the Renewal celebrated Mass - a room has been set aside as a chapel, with a most beautiful crucifix and some magnificent icons - and round the walls are pictures of saints, including icons and, in some cases, ( eg Therese of Lisieux, Padro Pio) photographs.

The Surrey countryside was a glory of golden and orange on this pleasant Autumn day, and I enjoyed my journey by train and bike.


  1. Anonymous1:43 pm

    Never had any problem of noise with our children either! i think with big families the little ones copy the older...

  2. Anonymous2:37 pm

    That sounds very interesting. I have found charsmatic churches quite refreshing and a real joy to take part in. I have learned a lot and received deep comfort from some of my experiences when attending. I think it is important to not forget we serve a BIG and Mighty God.

  3. Anonymous8:51 pm

    Oh, Aunti J! Cor et Lumen are raising the dead, healing the sick, cancers, depression, poverty and bringing countless to a relationship with Jesus, and all you can write about are nice icons and noisy children!
    I've spoken with Damien Stayne their founder and his story is awesome - rejected his childhood faith upbringing, one time binge drinker, dabbled with the occult, infected by demons but with parents who continually prayed for him and now he leads Cor et Lumen after a miraculous meeting with Pope John Paul.
    I suppose the telling phrase was you'd never heard of this community before. Sadly, that's the case with too many Catholics who are over busy with 'church' and 'religious' matters instead.
    Anyway, at least you provided a link for them and I urge everyone to get Cor et Lumen's message.
    Well done.



  4. Anonymous4:27 pm

    hey James what Christian tradition/denomination are you part of/belong to?

  5. Anonymous12:03 pm

    Just a small correction to James' post: We have not seen the dead raised in our ministry, at least not yet..! And I'm not sure what you are referring to when you say that we have seen people healed of poverty. But the rest is in essentials correct. I attended the Family Day, and it was a really good day, we throughly enjoyed your input, Joanna, thanks for coming.
