Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Tuesday Nov 21st
There's an extremely funny spoof story on the Web about the Pope being sacked for wearing a cross to work....just Google for it...tap in "Catholic Pope Benedict" and scroll through the various items until you get to Spoof, satire....

In intervals of work, rushed out to do some pre-Christmassy things, parcel to my sister and her family in New Zealand, bags of chocolate coins to post to various nieces, godchildren etc for St Nicholas Day on Dec 6th. (Easy: you just type out a short account of St Nicholas, explaining how he dropped 3 bags of gold coins down the chimney to assist a poor family, hence current tradition of S.Claus coming down chimney with gifts etc - send the story, with bags of coins, to children in jiffy-bag with OPEN ON DEC 6th written on outside).

Finally, the weather is reasonably cold today....which makes it feel a bit more as if Advent is starting soon.


  1. Here it is:


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