Saturday, July 20, 2019

On Boris Johnson, and Islam...

...this is a very good read....

1 comment:

  1. I wonder how the cards will fall as a result of the challenge mounted by Muslim parents to the LGBTQ+++ agenda now reaching a critical level in our primary schools? They seem the only group taking action to defend what they see as an outrageous attack on their "values" whereas other groups merely pontificate, or in the case of many mainstream denominations, actually approve of what may amount to child abuse.
    What will the role of the MCB and other self-appointed defenders of the faith be and perhaps more important, how will those of us who agree with them react? We are indeed experiencing a clash of civilisations as Douglas Murray has pointed out elsewhere but perhaps this particular clash is going to be very hard for politicians and religious leaders to resolve. Media attention has been low key so far, not sure who to side with, the Muslim minority or the LGBT+++ minority. An interesting September awaits when the new school term starts!
