Friday, June 07, 2019

And then...

...invited by friends to a lecture at the Royal Society of Medicine. It was on a topic of particular interest to me, concerning health issues at the original London Airport: Croydon Airport.  Over forty years ago, with two colleagues, I began what was to become a four-volume history of Croydon Airport and  the books are still available: you can find them here   and here  and here...

Croydon Airport began as a small airfield in WWI with heroic pilots learning to fly before being despatched to the battle fields of went on to beome the cradle of British aviation.  From here the air routes across the world were carved out....and then it played a central role  in the Battle of Britain...

Working on this, over many years starting with my election as a local borough councillor in the London Borough of Sutton in 1974, was a big part of my life, and the lecture at the RSM brought it all back.  It was touching to be greeted at the start of the lecture, and Iwas suddenly deeply moved...warm father was an early member of the Croydon Airport Society, ran its newsletter for many years, and helped to bring to birth the fine Museum which now stands there...

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