Tuesday, September 25, 2018

On Saturday...

...there will be the annual "Two Cathedrals" procession in which the Blessed Sacrament is carried across the Thames.  The Orocession was started in 2009 to mark the first anniversary of the visit of Pope Benedict XVI to Britain.  I am unable to attnd this year as I am speaking at a big gathering of the Catholic Women's League  in Roehampton.

The Procession starts at 1.30pm at WESTMINSTER CATHEDRAL and finishes with Benediction at St George's Cathedral, Southwark.


  1. Could you please confirm the date of the Two Cathedrals procession. Is it on Saturday the 29th September? I wanted to cross check the date but found that the Westminster Diocese says it's on Saturday the 18th October which is a Thursday. No year is given which makes it very confusing.

  2. It is THIS COMING SATURDAY September 29th, starts 1.30pm at Westminter Cathedral.
