Monday, January 02, 2017

What were the best books...

...that you read in 2016?

Read about auntie's choices here


  1. I do so much enjoy your commentary on the entire spectrum of your many contributions....the Ordinariate, history, culinary, whether in print or television. I access the EWTN website frequently and inevitably check on the Catholic Journalist in London link and am hoping, as we approach the one year anniversary of your last effort, something new might be in store? Thank you for all you do and best wishes for the New Year.
    A Serious Fan

  2. Anonymous3:06 am

    Hello, I had a quick question about two of your books...

    What is the difference between "A Yearbooks of Seasons and Celebrations" and "Book of Feasts and Seasons"? Is one just a newer and updated version of the other, or should I purchase and read both?

    Thank you and many blessings!

    Joy and peace,
    Elizabeth M.

  3. The "Yearbook of Seasons and Celebrations" is an updated version of the "Book of Feasts and Seasons" - has some new recipes etc.

    You can buy either - both are still available at present...

    warmest good wishes from Joanna
