Wednesday, January 11, 2017

...and the Ordinariate?

How's it going?

An insight here...

1 comment:

  1. Good to hear that the ordinariate is doing fine, but the male-only priesthood should be reconsidered. If the Virgin Mary brought us the Incarnate Word in her own body, as flesh of her flesh, why is the redeemed body of a baptized woman, of the same flesh, not "proper matter" for priestly ordination?

    I think that St John Paul II's Theology of the Body can be extended to all the sacraments and supports the ordination of women in continuity with orthodox theological anthropology and apostolic tradition on the sacramental economy. The linkage between the BVM and the Eucharist is key. For your consideration and prayers:

    The Body is a Sacrament of the Person

    Would be grateful to get critical feedback.

    In Christ,
