Wednesday, August 03, 2016


...and the New Dawn gathering is in full swing. A most glorious Procession down the Holy Mile in lovely sunshine, some 2,000 - 3,000 of us...wave after wave of voices praying the Rosary and singing "Ave, Ave, Maria..."

The wide green lawns of the ancient Priory, with that dramatic broken arch, were ready to welcome us for Mass, and there as we entered was a priest robed in white and gold, holding up the Blessed Sacrament and blessing was a powerful and touching sight to see people  pause in their stride and drop to their knees on the gravel path...

And then slowly  we filled the Priory grounds, the cool mown grass delicious on bare feet...and while this was  happening, many priests were hearing confessions. It is a moving experience to kneel there and confess and receive absolution where so many thousands and thousands of pilgrims have been over the years...

And then Mass concelebrated by Bishop Alan Hopes and a great gathering of clergy including Archbishop Kevin McDonald.  With children chirruping and enthusiastic singers waving their arms when they felt particularly inspired, it was very much a family pilgrimage ...and at Holy Communion there was great reverence, the large numbers of people being patient and prayerful  in the carefully arranged lines  so that it was all as dignified as in some great cathedral rather than the open air.

The New Dawn site at the Shrine includes  tents named for various saints (I've been giving talks in Str Francis!)  plus of course some lovely things for the children, plus an excellent bookshop, and a shop selling the most beautiful the big tent with lots going on...and all this in a great meadow just across the lane from the Slipper Chapel which looks lovelier than ever and is never without people at prayer...

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