Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Long discussion...

...with a  journalist/politico friend of longstanding, about political events in Britain. Both of us have links w. some of the people involved in the recent dramas in the Tory party. Much to discuss and ponder...

One thing which is interesting is how the  ferocious feminists can't cope with Theresa May, just as they couldn't cope with Margaret Thatcher. They can't get their ideology to fit into the facts. The first, and then next, female Prime Ministers of our country have come from families with strong fathers they loved dearly, and who helped to forge their ideas and inspire their lives. They both loved and married rock-solid, affectionate, dependable men who gave them support and help and encouragement and  with whom they forged wonderfully loving and happy marriages.They have both been regular churchgoers of traditinal Christian beliefs, taught by their parents and honoured throughout their lives.   Doesn't fit the fem-agenda. The fems just can't cope with it all.  Faced the the great reality of  Lady Thatcher, they tried to ignore her: you will find daft fem publications that sort of give her a tiny footnote, while trying to invent fem-folk heroines from little-known legendary figures or even sometimes  pagan goddesses.

It would be amusing - except that some of the fem-lobbyists are embedded in the education system, and are feeding this unhistorical rubbish to children.


  1. Anonymous12:48 pm

    Well said Joanna ... please God Theresa May will be another outstanding leader for Britain at a challenging time ... Mrs Thatcher certainly blazed a great trail ... from Tess in Australia

  2. I've got great concerns. It's not that May is especially a bad person, or temperamentally unsuited for high office, or that she's got odd, extreme ideas. But Erasmus described "folly in wisdom" - she's sane, sensible, mainstream, Establishment, consensus. I don't think she realises the forces that she is dealing with, either the deep economic currents or the even more profound theological disputes. Andrea Leadsom had some clue, Michael Gove I think sees the truth, and George Osborne, recklessly sacked, knew what the figures were telling him. May doesn't. She thinks there's an anti-austerity option.

  3. Beautifully said, Auntie Joanna! May God bless Theresa May and help her to be a wise and faithful prime minister.

  4. Edward McCarey McDonnell8:51 pm

    Thatcher and May were able to attain their positions as a result of the hard work of feminists. You can't rewrite history.

  5. "They have both been regular churchgoers of traditional Christian beliefs" - one is an Anglican and the other was a Methodist. Are you, as someone who regularly highlights the faults of the C of E, now recognising that Anglicanism and Methodism have virtues, instead of disdaining the former and never mentioning the latter?

  6. The Church of England is currently in an appalling state and almost everyone is saying it, whether from a sympathetic, internal position, a hostile atheist one, a neutral sociological view or, as in Joanna's case, a critical, rival religious position.
    But that's doesn't necessarily mean you disdain the members, as individuals. An army might be on the verge of being wiped out, poorly led by squabbling commanders who, whilst still professing loyalty to the King, have refused to obey orders from the general. It's ill-disciplined, incapable of anything but token offensive action and losing ground, the men untrained and the ranks thin through desertions. But the few soldiers who haven't deserted despite all that obviously have some good personal qualities, in fact the worse the situation, the more likely you are to see isolated acts of heroism as individuals try to keep the fight going against overwhelming odds.
