Sunday, June 19, 2016

In Old Oscott House...


I am staying the night, as I have some work to do here tomorrow. There is such a feeling of homecoming as one comes up the drive... Then a friendly greeting, and pizza and lots of cheery talk...and then in due course Night Prayer in the chapel, the familiar verses of the psalm going back and forth...and the Salve Regina  as the light dies beyond the Madonna window behind the altar and sanctuary....

And, from my window I look out diagonally directly into the chapel, and that sanctuary, and the Lord is there...

In 1846 Newman wrote: ‘I am writing in the next room to the chapel. It is such an incomprehensible blessing to have Christ’s bodily presence in one’s house, within one’s walls, as swallows up all other privileges and destroys, or should destroy, every pain.’ 


  1. Wayne S.5:52 am

    "The Lord is there"... I can feel the consolation of what must have touched you about that place and place. Joanna, you have such a descriptive gift. Do you know how much you delight some of your readers with these friendly reports?

  2. Dear Wayne

    Many thanks..I am so glad you enjoy the Blog, and am touched that you took the trouble to write...
    warmest good wishes

