Thursday, May 26, 2016

Just been to...

...the Ven. English College and the Pontifical Scots College here in Rome.  Extremely impressive young men, some of whom will be ordained priests this summer. It was encouraging and good to meet them - and also oddly moving. The number of young nmen coming forward to be trained as priests in Britain is small - much too small. But the quality is good: these men are dedicated, devout, cheerful, well-balanced, and full of enthusiasm. They are well-read and have been formed and influenced by, for example, Ratzinger on liturgy, and by a strong emphasis on studying the Fathers. - and above all by an emphasis on Christ and a personal relationship with him. They are well aware of the bleak spiritual void in which many of their generation in Britain live, the loneliness and lack of love. They are ready for mission and are open and realistic about what it involves - and have an evident joy in being part of the Church. They are men of prayer.It's inspiiring.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you, Joanna, for your comments on our students at the VEC in Rome. I am the Librarian there and have the joy of working with them every day. They really are a great group of young men! Thank you for the book you donated to the Library. I tried to catch you before you left, because I wanted to thank you for it, but you were gone before I got got downstairs. Hope you will visit again. Sr Mary Joseph, OSB
