Tuesday, April 05, 2016

News that...

...the Lefebvrist leader has had a meeting with the Pope seems to indicate that they, or some of them,  are thinking of submitting to the Church...

They have various internal factions, but have invariably been united on one thing: a passionate denouncing of Saint John Paul. This has been a major part of their message for years, and in trying to oppose his canonisation they became postively obsessive...but the great saint was closer to God than they were, and so on the anniversary of his passing to glory, they find themselves evidently having a rethink...


  1. A traditional Catholic movement not in communion with Rome is nonsensical in its own terms, which is why I and a lot of other people could not longer support it as relations with JPII soured. The sticking point was actually the ordination of Richard Williamson - John Paul knew he was a loose cannon, as subsequent events proved, when a TV interviewer coaxed him into repeating Holocaust conspiracy theories. He's now been expelled from SSPX, largely over the conspiracy theories, but his excommunication was lifted with the others - there's no canon law against laypeople being crackpots, and in canon law he's a laicised bishop - however I just checked and he's been excommunicated again for ordaining another bishop in 2015.
    Since Pope John Paul pulled the trigger, it's not surprising that SSPX rather resent him. To be fair to them, things fell apart in Europe on JPII's watch. But Europe isn't the whole story, and really the European catastrophe was despite rather than because of John Paul II.

  2. Yes, that's how I understand it, they have an issue with obedience.
