Sunday, March 06, 2016

Daffodils, bound up with golden ribbon...

...were blessed and distributed  at the end of Mass today, to be given to mothers. Lots of children enthusiastically presenting them to their mothers with hugs...

 It was suggested that older people whose mothers had already gone to their reward might like to put their flowers at the Lady Altar, and it was rather touching to see  this...

Later, over Laetare drinks in the pub, I was greeted with "saw your piece in the American whatsit thingummy..." and it turned out to be this piece in the Catholic World Report, an update on the Ordinariate...


  1. Dear Joanna,
    I know this is off topic but I am a member of the Ordinariate based out of Darlington and we (The Parish) would be proud to invite you to one of our SOLEMN MASS & SERMONs at 11.30 am. Celebrant & Preacher: Father Grieves, Followed by Parish Breakfast in the Parish House.
    We have been working tirelessly to develop the Mass into what it is today here at St. Osmund’s.
    If you would like to learn more about who we are please feel free to check out the links below.
    You can also find contact details for St Osmund’s at either of the sites shown above.
    Yours hopefully
    Kevin Robertson
    P.S. It would mean so much to our entire congregation to have you visit.

  2. Absolutely delighted to visit Darlington: am about to contact you...

    with v. best wishes

