Friday, February 26, 2016

The Bishops of Canada...

...speaking in unison, and with the support of leaders of Orthodox, Protestant, Jewish and Muslim communities in Canada, have urged all Canadians to oppose government plans to legalise killing and "assisted suicide". Read here...

 “Killing the mentally and physically ill, whether young or aged, is contrary to caring for and loving one’s brother and sister.”

1 comment:

  1. Mike Walsh, MM3:41 pm

    I fear it's only the beginning. Euthanasia will and has been sold initially as 'mercy'. But I expect one day to see it mandated in consequence of the vast debt -a tax by the old upon the young; by the dead upon the living- that results from the scam by which politicians secure political power by creating unfunded entitlements. Just as the politicians sought to solve -by means of abortion-on-demand- the problem of the vast underclass created by anti-poverty programs, so will they attempt to solve this problem in future, by re-classifying what has always been a class of human beings into not-human-beings.
