Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Infuriating virus...

...a friend has just contacted me to say she got one of those strange emails announcing that I was in hospital in some obscure country, and wanted help...

These are easy to detect as an email vius. So if you get one, just ignore it. But I have found elderly friends get terribly distressed....when this happened to my email account a few months back, I received telephone calls from elderly friends in  Australia and Hong Kong saying "Are you really stranded in Morrocco (or Ukraine, or Naples, or wherever it was)? Are you all right?"

PLEASE IGNORE ANY EMAIL REQUEST FROM ME, OR FROM ANY OTHER OF YOUR FRIENDS OR FAMILY, SAYING THEY ARE STRANDED IN SOME WEIRD FOREIGN PLACE AND NEED MONEY!!!  The email will not be from anyone you know, but from some criminal group which wants access to your bank account. So don't be stupid. IGNORE DAFT EMAILS.


  1. I'll cancel all those Masses I had booked then!

  2. I'll cancel all those Masses I had booked then!
