Monday, November 30, 2015

Rorate Coeli....To rural shires...

...and a family christening on this First Sunday of Advent, the procession to the font led by a glorious Rorate coeli desuper...Drop dew, ye Heavens...The baby's grandfather, a Deacon, presided, and the baby's young uncles and aunts formed a choir, singing most beautifully (the uncles include former choristers at Westminster Cathedral)...the church was filled with friends and relations, the water for the baptism had been brought specially from a saint's well in Cornwall, and there was a tender moment as the young parents, with their little daughter and newly-baptised son, were blessed by the deacon/grandfather...

We finished with a rousing rendition of "On Jordan's bank.." and then, appropriately, walked along in the evening dusk and lamplight  by a lovely river, to a fine old Tithe Barn now used for just such family gatherings, where there was a magnificent Tea, with sandwiches, and scones-with-jam-and-cream and  simply wonderful cakes.

As assorted small children played cheerily on the floor, grown-ups greeted and hugged and talked and reminisced,..this was the kind of gathering that makes Auntie's heart rejoice...

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