Wednesday, November 04, 2015

...and this sums up what most of us know and believe...

...on a controversial topic raised at the Synod...


  1. Standing orders to priests are not to launch into heavy duty sermons against adultery, fornication, and commercial sexualisation. So you hear almost nothing about sexual ethics at mass. However if you ask the average person, even the average practising Catholic to "summarise what the Church teaches" in a few sentences, almost everybody will mention the ban on abortion and contraception. They get that right, even if they can't tell you the difference between the Incarnation and the Immaculate Conception.

    So we are in a very odd situation.

  2. It's a bit rich, however, for the Acton Institute, which is dedicated to converting the church to laissez-faire capitalism, to complain about the sexual revolution. That so-called revolution is the application to sexuality and relationships of acquisitive capitalist individualism and the doctrine that the whim of the individual consumer is sovereign ('pushpin is as good as poetry', as Adam Smith put it, if that is what the punters want; trade your spouses in at will like used cars, etc).
