Monday, October 19, 2015

Come to the TOWARDS ADVENT Festival...

at Westminster Cathedral hall, Sat Nov 28th. Doors open 10am. Learn Gregorian chant, meet the Franciscan Friars of the Renewal, and discover Catholic groups and organisations from the Catenians and the Knights of St Columba to Youth 2000, the Ladies Ordinariate Group, and the Catholic Herald newspaper! Get a first-hand report of the current plight of Christians in the Middle East. Enjoy delicious home-made refreshments and fresly brewed coffee.  Grand Opening Ceremony with Cardinal Vincent Nichols and music from the choir of St James School Twickenham. Be there!


  1. Anonymous11:34 pm

    Great, you have got Vincent on board. Not something I would boast about in view of what it is happening in Rome. You are fiddling on the deck while the Titanic is sinking.

  2. I don't usually publish anonymous comments, but chose to do so this time to show how nasty and ignorant such comments often are.

    If poor Anonyous really thinks the Catholic Church can "sink" he simply doesn't understand the first thing about it. One way to learn a bit would be to come to the Towards Advent Festival and get a Catechism and a New Testament, and information on where to attend a class in basic Catholic doctrine.

  3. So frustrated I cannot be there again this year, I'll be on a retreat at St Cassians
