Monday, September 07, 2015

The new issue of FAITH MAGAZINE...

...has just come out. Want a sample copy? Send a Comment to this Blog WITH A FULL NAME AND ADDRESS TO WHICH THE MAGAZINE CAN BE SENT, and I'll do my best to oblige.


  1. Auntie Joanna, is there a digital version of the FAITH MAGAZINE available online? I live in the states and would hate to ask you to expense the shipping to forward me a copy here. I enjoy your appearances, both in body and in voice, in EWTN shows. Please consider your continued participation in them since your reflections and informative presentations are so genuine and heartfelt. Thanks.

  2. Yes, the latest issue will be on the FAITH website in due course.Just go to the FAITH website The July/Aug issue is currently there. But I am happy to send a copy to you in the USA so do please send me your FULL NAME AND POSTAL ADDRESS (which of course I won't publish), and a copy will be in the post to you.


  3. Just to add to my previous Comnment: the Sept/Oct issue of FAITH tackles the forthcoming Synod in Rome, has an interview with an Ordinariate priest and a visit to his parish, looks at the economic and human consequences of our dramatically declining birth rate, has book reviews and DVD reviews and please, all readers of this Blog, do send for your copy! Reading on-line is all right...but it's good to have the actual magazine in your hands!

    Auntie J.

  4. Thanks, Joanna, for signing the Catholic Women's Letter to the Synod Fathers at! And thanks for all the good work you do....Mary Hasson, Fellow, EPPC
