Friday, March 06, 2015

I'm impressed by...

...our big local hospital.

I spent the day at one of HM prisons, using the catechetical skills taught me here.  The young men were v. kind and took part w. apparent interest - though this may have been because the Chaplain told them that I was doing this as part of a training test, and would be marked on it (which was true: we have to send in a report and account of how each lessons goes, ideas for improvement etc...).  This appealed to the innate sense of let's-help-this-poor--thing-out...

Then after mugs of tea and good conversation, I went on to church for Evesong and Mass...and while there recieved a telephone message saying that an elderly relatives had been taken to Providence, I was virtually on top of a major tube station, so hurried along on the Northern Line and was soon at the hospital. I cannot speak too highly of the care and attention that this beloved elderly relative received, all carried out with great goodwill and gentleness.  There was also much kindness and a freshly-made cups of tea for me, and all of this in a busy department with people being rushed in for emergency care etc...

When my elderly relative was comfortably settled for the night - crisp fresh sheets, a calm atmosphere, great care taken to check all sorts of small details even down to her watch and specs being put just where she wanted them to be etc -  we said prayers together as we always do, and I looked up to see the nurse quietly joining in in with the "Hail Mary", and crossing herself at the end...

Sometimes, just sometinmes, modern London surprises with its goodness...

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