Friday, January 09, 2015

Pope Francis has excommunicated...

...a priest in Australia who supports same-sex marriage and priestesses. You probably won't find much about this on the ramblings of  self-appointed Guardians of The Catholic Tradition who write  pompously and whose hatred of the Holy Father keeps bubbling up. Nor will the general mass media pick up the story.  Read about it here...


  1. Yes, this was reported in the Catholic Herald in September 2013.

  2. Any leader has to apply the rules as they are, change the rules in response to a specific incident, or admit that the rules don't matter any more. So we can't read anything into this, except that Fr Greg Reynolds is not important enough to the Holy Father for him to change the rules on discussing women's ordination just for him.

  3. `Hatred` is a very judgmental word to use. Unnecessary and regrettable.

  4. I too regret having to use it - and I do believe that the haters, despite their current attitudes, will one day change. Love usually conquers - and Pope Francis shows lots of it.


  5. It's regrettable but necessary, the hatred these types display is breathtaking and it's frequently done anonymously too (see top comment)

    Hatred and cowardice, satanic tools.

  6. I really don't think this comments thread should be used for the obsessive abuse of other commentators.
