Thursday, October 02, 2014

The Synod on the Family...

...will start shortly. There will be a lot of related debate/discussion/controversy  about what is said, and what is alleged to have been said, and so on and so on.

Meanwhile, we all need to get on with promoting the Church's message on marriage and family. Useful link, just sent to me, on a postgraduate degree in Catholic Applied Theology (Marriage and Family):  "As we approach the Extraordinary Synod, this is an opportune moment to let people know about the wonderful course we offer here which is centred on the teaching of St. John Paul II. The course was developed in academic collaboration with the John Paul II Institute for Studies on Marriage and Family in Rome and this collaboration continues today..." You can find out more here...  and shortly after receiving this, I found this commentary on the Synod, which exactly matches the point...

1 comment:

  1. Terry4:44 am

    Instead of worrying unduly and taking sides, let us all just keep on praying and trusting in God that He will keep His Church safe.
    Let us pray, too, for all the priests who may have been discouraged by recent happenings.

    Thank you, Joanna, for this great blog and keep up the good work.
