Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Thank God for St John Paul...

...a magnificent Pope in tough times, with a message for all times...

Difficult to write about a TV programme on which one is working,  because describing what we are doing, and where, and how it is all working out, gives away the whole thing in advance which seems rather a pity. Watch EWTN in due course and you'll see Auntie and team in Poland in this new feature...and meanwhile, you might enjoy this one  which begins the story...

And...writing this in the Tatra mountains, after an unforgettable day exploring St John Paul's legacy, gives lots to ponder, especially at this time. The news from the Synod in Rome is rather bleak, and it is tragic that the Synod Fathers seem, so far,  to have sidelined  the opportunity to explore and teach the riches of the Christian understanding of marriage, of Bridegroom and Bride, Christ and Church, in the way the world so achingly needs...instead, there is kindness and goodwill but also muddle and misdirection (which means that some of the kindness will get  misdirected too)...

And there is so much richness that is in danger of  being ignored...in JP's theology of the body and in the work of so many groups and movements within the Church, and the wordy and uninspiring ponderous mid-time statement from the Synod just doesn't get it...

But there's time ahead in which to get this right, and it's useful to get some good perspectives on the Synod from reporters such as this one...
 and this one...  and, probably the best-informed and most valuable so far,  this one...

...and time to pray before the full Synod in 2015 and its actual message and teachings,  for which current discussions are the throat-clearing preparations.

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