Monday, July 28, 2014

Filling the shelves...

...through God's bountiful generosity at this time of year.

While in the kitchen on such tasks, it's useful to think  about large things, otherwise one finds the brain is asking "Why am I standing in the kitchen washing rose petals?"

The shelves are filling up with jams and jellies that will go to various fetes and fairs and Harvest Festival gift tables and so on...and the prayers are for peace in the Middle East, in line with Papa Francis' anguished plea at his Sunday Angelus...

Incidentally, I came across this website, which I found of interest...

1 comment:

  1. Yes, it's an excellent little community, I know it well, because I worked in Israel for two years.

    It's rather hard-pressed. Every other community is either suspicious or regards them as traitors to the cause.
