Saturday, July 19, 2014

..and in the stifling summer heat...

...our Parliament is debating whether or not we should make it possible for sad and gravely ill people to be killed...and the Church of England has slammed the door on ecumenical possibilities and invented female bishops...and there is turmoil in the Holy Land, and death in the skies over Ukraine...

...and a sense of things ending, and a tired feeling, and now the Government is going to penalise people for having proper families - they've apparently announced that anyone with more than four children will be denied taxation benefits.  It sometimes seems as though our officialdom doesn't really want our country to have a future, and believes that in a dark and worrying world we should try to encourage as little hope as possible.

And so to Sunday...and Mass, and there is hope for all.


  1. John Ross Martyn9:25 pm

    How big does a family have to be before it is "a proper family"?
    You seem to be saying, or at least implying, that a family with four children or fewer is not a proper family.

  2. I wasn't implying that. I grew up as one of three children and we were, and are, most certainly a proper family. I was merely saying that family size is something that proper families decide for themselves, not a matter for cruel government decision-makers.

    There is a major issue here about common sense and justice. Penalising people for having children is insane: children are the only future a nation has.
