Wednesday, May 07, 2014

An ordinary sort of day...

...filled with extraordinary small blessings. To Pr. Blood church for a meeting w. the secretary of the Ordinariate Ladies Group. I was late and missed her, but she had only just left, so I went to her usual bus-stop just in case she hadn't yet caught the bus - and we met in the High St!  Sandwich lunch, on me, and over brews of coffee we sorted out arrangements for a Walsingham weekend in the summer, and organised prizes and certificates for the winners of the "Our Father" project organised for RC and CofE primary schools. The children have been writing out the "Our Father" in good handwriting, and decorating and illustrating it, and answering simple questions to show their understanding of it. Some howlers: "I will be done on earth...."  "Our Father, who heart in heaven..."  We had a satisfying time ordering prizes etc - every child is going to get a small gospel book, and there are special prizes for the best work.

A troop of small First Communicants arrived for their class, organised themselves round the table and were handed their books (and I'm making a link to the book, because it really is excellent, and warmly recommended) by their catechist. Another Ordinariate lady was doing the flowers - which at this church are absolutely superb.  As we worked at the parish computer, the Rector came through  with the children, all trooping into church as part of their First Communion class.

Evening fell: out in the rainy London street I hurried to the station, and was joined there by J. - he was running late so 'phoned me "Get yourself a gin-and-tonic and let's eat at the Italian place". So we did, a sudden agreeable treat on an ordinary Wednesday. Sitting sipping g-and-t, with railway noises and London bustle all around, I suddenly felt grateful for life's blessings.

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