Sunday, February 16, 2014

A splendid traditional Sunday Mass... St Anselm's Church at Pembury in Kent. Well, two splendid Masses: I went to the 9.15, with a fine choir singing some glorious music, and a troop of children trotting off to Sunday School, and a rousing hymn to finish, and then there was a gathering outside (no church hall as yet...they are raising funds for a development project to create one) for coffee and orange juice and biscuits and children running about and making a cheery noise...and then I went in again for part of the 11 o'clock Mass.  This was all because I was giving a short appeal at the end of each Mass, to invite people to get stitching for the Great Hassocks Project. Thanks to a modest donation, we are able to  make some proper church kneelers (hassocks) for this church, and we need volunteers...I have several people already working away, and Fr Ed invited me to the parish to explain the project in detail.  And also to get the parish involved in the big "Our Father" project, which is for children at RC and CofE primary schools, and involves them writing out the Lord's Prayer, and answering some short questions to show their understanding of it.  We have a number of local groups running this project across Britain...and now Kent is to be involved, too, and it was WONDERFUL to meet local volunteers from this excellent parish who will be taking it all on.

This little church at Pembury is thriving under the care of the Ordinariate of Our Lady of Walsingham. Fr Ed and Hayley and their cheery family welcomed me to a very jolly lunch, and it was so good to relax and talk over so many things.

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