Friday, January 10, 2014

More on Papa Francis...

..excellent article in The Spectator about him... my feeling is that media won't  drop its love affair with him, but will continue to misinterpret him, and deliberately tell us that he is saying something that he isn't saying...this will be the way to save face, and also there is a quite genuine inability among some of them to get any understanding of reality... eg on marriage, family... also on  population and  how and why the West is dying...

But there will be a turning against him in the Church...especially among ageing Germans and Austrians intent on promoting contraception and divorce/remarriage. The wannabe-Lefebvrist types also seem to hate him, and that  will continue. 

The Speccy piece is by Luke Coppen, of the Catholic Herald. It's good, but don't just click on the link. Go and buy a copy of the magazine - it has lots of other good stuff in it -  and enjoy it, as I have been doing today, on the Tube, the train, at a bus stop, hospital waiting area, and finally in a pub with a gin-and-tonic...You don't need a laptop to enjoy a good read. just a paper and enough light to read by...

1 comment:

  1. Edward10:14 am

    I'd also recommend buying (or subscribing to) the Speccy to show support for its brave and unambiguous stance on press censorship.
