Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Marriage and the Govt's daft plans...

...it's a most depressing subject, and the future is going to be horrid.

The government has imposed a ludicrous and cruel new law which insists that a man can marry another man.

Bureaucrats are now having to work out ways in which this will be imposed on, among much else, the Army and its housing for our soldiers. Imagine: a senior officer decides he is in love with a young soldier, divorces his wife, marries the young now ex-soldier and moves him into the comfortable married quarters (which you and I are subsidising)...do you think it couldn't happen?

Think about a teenage girl, unhappy because her parents' marriage broke up and she doesn't like her mother's latest boyfriend, and confused and cutting herself and so on...and a lesbian teacher decides to take her up, and in due course they announce that they are getting married...when it breaks up, the young girl is told that the baby she dutifully had by artificial means is not hers, as the older woman has custody as she had stayed home to do the babycare sending the young girl out to work...

Meanwhile, a Catholic school has quietly hidden its religious education materials when an official from the education authority calls, because the book on the Sacraments emphasises male/female marriage, and the Catechism is quoted, and so on...

Do you think this couldn't happen?


  1. "Be Not Afraid! Open up, no; swing wide the gates to Christ. Open up to his saving power the confines of the State, open up economic and political systems, the vast empires of culture, civilization and development... Be not afraid!"
    JPII's first public words as Pope.

    It is bad, but we need to keep things in perspective. It's a lot less bad than the nightmares of last century.
    I do feel we're in a pincer movement on sexual ethics, with the liberals on one side and the Muslims on the other. Neither are right.

  2. Of course it's going to happen. And far worse. The day will come when there are bonfires of the Catechism of the Cathoic Church and priests are sent to jail for preaching hate crimes. The sooner we wake up to this and start fighting back the better. And for more madness have a look at the Lunaceck Report which the European Parliament is soon to consider. Going on previous experience it is highly likely to approve it.

  3. How is a formerly serving male partner different than a formerly serving female partner?

    Why was the teacher not prosecuted for sleeping with a pupil? Why are the feelings of the (presumably no longer a child herself) mother more important than the welfare of the child?

    Do these Catholic schoolchildren not have parents, or go to churches where they'll hear the message you're worried about them missing?

  4. Dear Jef

    Indeed. Think deeply about your first question: it's an important one and raises central issues. Take your time. Get relevant information. Search for truth. Think seriously, don't think in current slogans. Think about the whole question of what an army is for, and how and why men and women are different, and what you mean by "partner", and more...

    Your second question: is it possible to prosecute a teacher who can prove that no sexual union took place until after the pupil had left school? And why should the baby in the story be deemed to belong to the older woman, instead of to the father and mother?

    Finally: parents and churches must certainly teach the truth about marriage (ie that it is for one man and one woman, for life) to children, and to adults too. I would like to know if you think there should be any restrictions on their doing so. And do you think a Catholic school should be banned from teaching what the Catholic Church teaches?

  5. Suzanne Olipane4:57 pm

    This is a huge "Pandora's Box" waiting to explode! Once so called same sex "marriage" is allowed, what is to stop all sorts of disordered unions? Pretty soon polygamy will have to be accepted and what is to stop someone who wants to marry animals and have that union recognized?
    Sacred Heart of Jesus, have mercy on us! Immaculate Heart of Mary, pray for us!
    Suzanne Olipane
    Colorado Springs, CO

  6. Anonymous6:54 pm

    Roderick said: Shame Pope Francis gave such a flippant off-the cuff answer to a question on a related subject. "Who am I to judge?" Indeed. Of course he condemns same-sex marriage. But alas he has created an impression that the Church is loosening up on the subject, even in his international survey of the faithful's attitudes to sexual ethics. It will produce some interesting outcomes, now doubt.

  7. Joanna, you have a vivid and very unpleasant imagination.Maybe it would be useful for you to think about why you are so obsessed with homosexuality. I know it is pointless writing this because you won't print it!
