Sunday, January 26, 2014

Burns Night...

...and a wonderful party organised by the young people of SPES at St Patrick's, Soho Square. J. wore his kilt and sporran. All done splendidly: haggis-and-neeps, and whisky, and splendid reels. Jamie is a good dancer and led me off for the first reel, great fun.   In due course I got v.v. warm, and then the heel whizzed off my shoe, so I was glad to sit out some of the later reels and watch  from the side, clapping in time to the music, and enjoying the whole scene. We finished in grand style with Auld Lang Syne, sung properly and loudly in a great circle.

A lot of the young people also go to the FAITH talks - currently at Warwick St - and some also take part in the John Paul Walk to Walsingham in the summer...

Home v. late, having had a grand time.

1 comment:

  1. Suzanne Olipane4:24 pm

    Sounds as though you had a blast! What great joy it is to be a Catholic!
