Saturday, July 13, 2013

The Irish...

...have had many sorrows over the years, and now their parliament has voted to allow the killing of Irish children in the womb. How horrible.


  1. But what I understand from watching the debate, the law is highly regulated and tries to save both the child and the mother in most cases and needs to be proved by doctors beyond doubt that one can't be saved. It's still horrible, but better than the U.S. free-for-all/no matter what, when, how evil we have.

  2. Felix9:01 am

    Ireland's constitution guarantees "the right to life of the unborn" (Article 40.3.3). However, I think the limited nature of the new legislation will enable it to survive undergo any legal challenges.

    One indication of the demise of Catholic Ireland will be when they repeal the present pro-life guarantee in the Constitution.

    Our Lady of Knock, pray for us!

  3. I always envisioned Ireland as the most faithful Catholic country in the world. This just shows how far western countries have collapsed morally and culturally.
