Saturday, June 01, 2013

Summer is on its way...

...and Auntie is planning her summer activities - or rather, her winter ones, because part of August will be spent Down Under, where it will be wintertime.

First, however, to the USA, to take part in EWTN's Family Celebration,  and then on to Australia, for a rather rusharound lecture tour...I have three new books coming out, two are books of saints for children, and one is about Brigettine nuns and helping to save Jewish people in wartime Rome. An exploration of this tragic chapter of history reveals some poignant stories...and restores the truth about the maligned Pius XII, who actually saved a huge number of lives. Along with him - literally, working alongside, and making the necessary visits to places to arrange hiding-places etc,, often in dangerous conditions - was the young Mgr Montini,  better known to history as Paul VI.   Both of these men have been the object of sneers and abuse, and it is important to set out the truth and  give honour where it is due.

Working on the book about the Brigettine nuns has been difficult: by definition, hiding people secretly in wartime is not something that involves written records or publicity...but it was exciting once I got some breakthroughs, and now the thing has been written, and in a couple of months I will hold the book in my hands.

1 comment:

  1. A good way of shutting up Pius XII haters is to ask them whether they think the Church should intervene more in politics. If they say "no", then say why are you complaining about Pius XII? If they say "yes" then you agree that maybe they have a point, and ask how they would give the Church more influence.
