Thursday, May 23, 2013

Our Lady of Westminster... the shrine at Hampton Wick, by the Thames, was the destination of a parish walking pilgrimage this evening. We gathered at St Joseph's, New Malden, where there is a beautiful Mary Garden created by parishioners, with flowers and shrubs named after Mary (rosemary, marigolds, etc etc). The parish priest led us in prayers and blessed us and then we set was a cheery, friendly group and a pleasant walk. We stopped just outside Kingston and prayed the Luminous Mysteries of the Rosary, led by the Deacon. Then on through the town and across the river to the chapel of the Sons of the Divine Providence and the little shrine. There is also an attractive Lourdes grotto there, which on this May evening was covered with gloriously scented wisteria...

Then Fr Keyhoe at the shrine invited us in for tea and sandwiches and cakes, much appreciated. A happy evening.

The aim was to pray for vocations to the priesthood for our diocese. I had read that, as Archbishop of Krakow, Karol Woytila promised Our Lady that he would walk to every shrine within walking distance of the city, if she would grant him a student for his seminary for each such pilgrimage.  Within five years his seminary was full. So we are walking and praying.  This evening we arranged two further walks to local Marian places...

1 comment:

  1. I just saw Our Lady of Westminster, on your walking tour of historic London on EWTN. I'd love to know more about the shrine and devotion. I love Our Lady.
