Tuesday, May 14, 2013


...have sent in some splendid work for the Assn of Catholic Women 2013 Schools RE Project. They had to study the sacraments of Baptism, Reconciliation, and Holy Communion, as part of the celebration of the Year of Faith. A brochure showing a door of a church invited them to open the door and go in...this Project, sponsored by the Catholic Truth Society, has now been running for several years and we get literally hundreds of essays from Catholic primary schools across Britain. Every entry is carefully read, and we award a large number of prizes, all generously donated by the CTS. A team of judges then meets and some top winners are chosen - 1st,2nd and 3rd winners in two age groups. They win cash prizes for their schools, and the 1st winner in each age group gets a trophy to keep for one year...

Running this vast project involves teams of volunteers who mail out the brochures (a task done agreeably over mugs of tea and lots of chat, daily for several days at the CTS office in South London), reading all the essays, organising the final judging, and then packing and mailing out the prizes (a mammoth task).  It is all well worth while, and reading the children's essays reveals encouraging evidence of some good work being done in Catholic primary schools...

And we badly need good news, because so much of what is happening in Britain at the moment is horrid. Schools are being sent nasty material promoting same-sex "marriage", including material aimed at very young children. There is increasing evidence of unjust discrimination of employees in various services who dare to show - even privately - opposition to the imposition of acceptance of same-sex unions. The tradition of fair play and freedom under the law is now regarded as out of date and wrong, because an obligation to agree with the Government on this subject is deemed to take priority over every principle and every sense of conscience. And the Govt is trying to rush the legislation through Parliament despite strong and growing opposition...read more here...

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