Sunday, April 21, 2013


...from a Catholic group gathered on the Green at Ealing, and began to sing. I was sitting munching a sandwich in the sunshine, preparatory to visiting a friend at St David's Hospice nearby.

The evangelists turned out to be from the Neo-Catechumenate group associated with Ealing Abbey, joined by others from around the country. Large numbers of children. General atmosphere of goodwill, everyone v. relaxed. Some singing, praying, recitation of psalms together,  then some talks - of varying quality, all obviously sincere.  The best was a speaker who spoke about three encounters - Lucifer in the garden with Eve, enticing humanity away from God, then the Angel with Mary, giving humanity the great news of the  opportunity of life in the Incarnation,  and finally the Gospel's encounter with us. Essentially, when we hear the Gospel message, we too are having a angelic encounter...

1 comment:

  1. I suspect it's the other way round, and the angels are having a human encounter. We are objects of awe and wonder to them, because we can do things like repent of our actions, which they cannot.
