Wednesday, April 03, 2013


...beginning with Tea with a beloved elderly relation on Holy Saturday, with giving of Easter eggs etc, followed by travel to Oxfordshire, and a glorious Easter Vigil (six people received into the Church with baptisms and confirmations etc, packed congregation with hundreds of glowing candles, Missa de Angelis, beautiful Easter hymns) , followed the next morning by a family breakfast with cheery decorated eggs, and a happy morning of talk and laughter and chocolate eggs and a great Easter lunch...

And in due course, an Easter Monday journey onwards to more family at the seaside, and a breezy walk along the coast, family meals, affection, swapping of news, more chocolate...

I am writing this with a most enchanting view of the coast before is so lovely that with night falling it is quite impossible to close the curtains...

A laptop and the kindly provision of books from an Anglican clergyman friend enables me to catch up on some necessary academic work...and meanwhile every day the daffodils nod in the stiff sea breezes, the sky is a clear if chilly blue, local eggs and honey and clotted cream make mealtimes a delight.



  1. Anonymous2:05 am

    Beautiful! I do wish you would consider writing a book about "a year in the life of Joanna," if only a compilation of your blog or diary entries. Perhaps you might feel that no one would be interested in a year in your life. However, your life in England is fascinating, and it is such a delight to live vicariously through you.

    Thank you!
    Connie K.

  2. A belated, but heartfelt, Happy Easter to you, Joanna (although the season is new yet, so perhaps not belated after all)! He is risen!!

    Lovely post, such imagery, thank you!
