Wednesday, March 27, 2013

...Holy Week...

...and today is known as Spy Wednesday, commemorating the traitor Judas...

Tomorrow will see the traditional Washing of Feet at churches across Britain.  I remember first watching this back in the mid-1970s at our (then brand-new and v. modern)  local church, St Elphege's, in Wallington, and being very moved and impressed. I knew what the ceremony involved, but  had not seen it done before: watching our parish priest kneeling and pouring water over the men's feet was something very powerful. He was in my mind a busy, grown-up, getting-on-with-important-things person and this act spoke of humility and service in a real way, and I have never forgotten it.

Good Friday, back then, was a quiet day across Britain. Shops were closed. The TV and radio programmes reflected the nature of the day, and there was always a film about the Passion of Christ - either a classic Hollywood one or some new drama.

An innovation in the 70s which was of importance for our family was a united service organised by all the local churches, and held at a different church each year on Good Friday morning. We always went to this.  And of course the 3pm service in our church was the most important part of the day: again, my first experiences of this were powerful. Since then, I have spent Good Fridays in various places from an Army barrack church in Berlin to Brompton Oratory with full choir, and each Good Friday still always brings it own stark poignant message...

Today: one good thing in the suburb where the Bogles now live is a local Walk of Witness. This starts at the United Reformed Church which is conveniently placed at one end of the High street and finishes at the Methodist Church which is at the other end. It attracts reasonable numbers, including lots of Catholics. The "witness" bit is rather less effective, because there are few people around in the High Street - most shoppers go to the vast supermarket about a quarter of a mile away. So we aren't witnessing to many people... but I wonder if perhaps God actually rather wants us to think and pray, rather than (??a bit smugly??) consider ourselves to be "witnessing to all those shoppers".

There is a profound and tangible reality about the 3pm service on Good Friday.  In our excellent local parish it  is always packed to capacity - people sitting/kneeling on the floor, filling up all available space in the side aisles and crowding out the porch etc.

In between  the morning Walk and the afternoon Service - well, there's always a temptation to do a bit of shopping and one SHOULDN'T.

I have organised/posted suitable Easter goodies to godchildren etc, have quantities of  choc eggs, bunnies, and so on  for the various relatives with whom I will be celebrating Easter. We won't need any extra food for Good Friday's meals and everything else can wait until Saturday...

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous6:29 am

    Hello, Joanna

    Many thanks for being so welcoming and allowing me to join you and the other women in handing out Thank You cards to our priests before the Chrism Mass yesterday.

    God bless
