Monday, February 11, 2013


...for our dear and beloved Benedict XVI.     A sad day. God will reward him for his humility and courage...and for all his years of magnificent service to the Church.


  1. I am feeling thoroughly numb. It seems like nothing in this world is consistent anymore. I admire his Holiness for taking this bold step on behalf of the Church, but I feel sick at having to lose him. He has become a father figure for the Church and he will be sorely missed.

  2. I'll miss Pope Benedict, He is one of the rarest & wisest, most cultured men I know, my prayers for him and his successor.

    Please also Auntie, could you pray for my son who is looking for a job at present. God knows I have petitioned all the saints.

    Much appreciated.

  3. Thanks, Auntie. Meanwhile, today's New York Times tells us what we are supposed to think about the Holy Father:
