Sunday, January 27, 2013

This week...

...I am meeting various MPs to talk about the govt's idiotic and senseless plans to impose genderless marriage on Britain. Because so many people simply find the whole thing ludicrous, there is a vague feeling that it can't really happen or that if it does, it will just be something absurd that affects only a tiny number of people and can safely be ignored. How wrong they are: this is something that will require amendment to hundreds of laws, poses a threat to the freedom of speech of teachers and public officials, and will create misery for children and confusion about people's actual relationships and identity (children born to "two dads" through surrogacy arrangements etc).  Already it is clear that the Secretary of State for Education has misgivings.  And we ain't seen nothin' yet...there is potential torrent of complicated litigation, and all sorts of long-term  political and social horrors compounded by the anger and frustration that this utterly daft and ill-considered piece of social engineering will produce.

And while MPs talk about it, and Parliament's time is taken up with it, the huge problems facing Britain - including the soaring crime rate,  the rising tide of illteracy, the breakdown of family structures, the long-term unemployment facing  many graduates -  all grow apace...and we are fighting two wars in remote places with no prospect of victory in sight and  our young men being killed and maimed, and the world scene is an increasing  frightening one with uncertainty (to put it mildly!) in the Middle East...

Do you suppose there is even the faintest chance of persuading a sufficient number of Members of Parliament to vote against this stupid project and tackle the real needs of the country?



  1. Good luck, Joanna...and I'll certainly pray. I think you'll feel a bit like King Canute, but we must try every avenue!

  2. Good luck, prayers for a change of direction to the powers that be.

  3. Good luck with all your efforts. Praying for a change of direction for the powers that be, that common sense will prevail.

  4. I written to mine and received confirmation that he will be voting against!

  5. Harry3:11 pm

    Like many I'm at a complete loss as to why the government wants to introduce this legislation given the many serious problems facing the country

  6. Francis10:33 pm

    After the US Presidential election, George Osborne said that the Tories needed to be pro same-sex "marriage" because this was what he thinks won the election for Obama.

    Apparently it was nothing to do with Obama's opponent suffering from foot and mouth disease: ie opening his mouth and putting his foot in it.
