Tuesday, January 29, 2013


...and Auntie is known to love rain. But sheltering from torrential sloshes of water in Chelsea, it became clear that we could not follow the original plan for our History Walk and go along by the Thames and pause at St Thomas' statue, and follow on to Beaufort Street and Allen Hall...

Sprinted through the rain to the presbytery of the Church of Our Most Holy Redeemer and St Thomas More, and kind  Canon Brockie  said "Of course!" when I asked if I might have the keys to the church, and make it an "inside walk", doing a tour of the church and learning its history.  Hurrying back, jingling the keys, I broke into "Singing in the rain..." and felt cheery.

It's a lovely church, quite unique, built in the 1890s, many interesting items including portrait of St Thomas More... it has a  regular congregation of over a thousand every Sunday, lots of young people.   But it's not particularly famous, and is in a very quiet side-road, with no passing traffic. Canon Brockie said " I often think I'd like to sit down with some of the people, especially all the 20- and 30-somethings,  and just ask how they came to know about the church and why they started coming to Mass."  He added that  all the central London churches get large congregations. "The media just don't get it - whenever they show a church they always tend to show it empty with just a few people who have dropped in to pray. They never show a church on an ordinary Sunday."


  1. Auntie,

    Wouldn't it be rude to take photos in Church during while the Mass is in full flow packed with people?

    We had a parishioner who did exactly that! Most annoying, especially when the Bishop visited.

  2. Alexander Jolliffe10:34 am

    Hello Joanna,

    I hope you are well.

    I read the blog with interest.

    This is not related to your specific blog. However, is there an address which I could send a Catholic document about time, talents and treasure to?


    Alexander Jolliffe

  3. Dear Alexander

    I am afraid I am not very good at recommending publishers...it is all a matter of what the material is all about and which publisher might be interested. And I honestly don't have the time to read people's work and offer detailed advice. You could try the Catholic Truth Society, or Gracewing...visit their websites and see if your work is suitable for them.


  4. Photography in church can be done discretely, and if it is at an "ordinary" Parish Mass, a quick word before Mass begins.."x will be taking photos of this Mass for our website" should do the trick. Modern cameras can snap away so quietly, and wihout flash, that it would be barely noticeable - and the photos can be used to good purpose.
