Monday, January 07, 2013


...the Ladies Ordinariate Group.  Well, logs are solid, reliable,  useful.  Anyway, there are now a good number of us  of us, and it was a very cheery group that gathered in the parish room at Pr. Blood Church, London Bridge this evening.

LOG members come from the South London and Croydon Ordinariates - ladies from any other Ordinariate group or London parish are welcome at our meetings, as indeed are any other ladies who are in sympathy with our aims and ideas. Contact us via the church at the link given. 

Our patron saints are St Agnes and St Michael, our members having come from churches dedicated to these, and we have added Bl John Henry Newman (Ordinariate patron) and Bl John Paul. We are running a project for children, will be contacting MPs about the ghastly Govt scheme redefine marriage, have plans for events and pilgrimages through 2013. We meet monthly.

The formal part of the evening included a talk about Mary Sumner, founder of the Mothers' Union (we have been having talks on various 19th and 20th century women from the Anglican tradition: Octavia Hill, Lillian Bayliss, Joephine Butler...).  I think that Mary Sumner would be saddened by the failure of the MU in Britain  to defend marriage and Christian family life in recent decades, but gladdened by the magnificent - and very different - approach taken by the MU in Africa. One of our members this evening spoke about the Mothers' Union in Zimbabwe and it was fascinating.

I've been interested in Mary Sumner ever since staying with relations in New Zealand who lived in the suburb of Christchurch which bears her name. I'm glad to have learned her story.

1 comment:

  1. First thing I learned as a boy growing up in St Luke's parish in Motherwell (PP Fr Tom, later Cardinal, Winning) NEVER mess with the MU! Particularly on bingo night.
