Friday, January 18, 2013

Breakfast at EWTN...

...can be a talkative and illuminating time.  Americans do eat some very odd mixtures of food: the scrambled eggs are delicious, there's a mushy sort of porridge called Grits which I have tried to like but can't, and then - all on the same plate! - they put a slice of melon and a Danish pastry. Excellent coffee.

Conversation tackles serious American readers of this blog will know, but others may not, the Obama govt's  tax/insurance scheme insists that any group, including a Catholic one, must pay into a fund that will supply abortions and contraceptives for its staff.. This is going to be the BIG  PROBLEM over the next months. Obviously EWTN can't take part in any such insurance scheme. Legal cases pending.  If these result in an unfavourable decision, what happens next?

On this, and on related issues in the USA, people sometimes talk about imprisonment...
It seems weird to be sitting over slices of melon and good coffee discussing these things. For years, my talks with the EWTN  people would be about funding, expansion, viewing-figures...all these things are now going v. well indeed, and the network is thriving and is part of Catholic life in a way that M. Angelica perhaps always hoped for and prayed for, but never really dreamed was actually possible...but now there is a threat from Government  -  of a sort that, not so many years ago, we would all have associated with the Soviet bloc or similar...


  1. Grits are not for the British tummy! As I have discovered.
    I missed the show and am dreadfully sad about that and hope that it shows again soon. If you know of a repeat please post Auntie.
    I have your book Feast and seasons and love it as well as watching you on Ewtn. I am British living in the US.
    I do get vey homesick but your show is of great comfort.
    Warm Thanks and abundant blessings to you.

  2. Anonymous1:04 am

    Dear Auntie Joanna,
    Your breakfast conversation was an accurate description of Catholic dilemmas here in the USA. We also have what can only be described as the "state-run media" who act more like stenographers and NOT like reporters when covering Obamacare.
    Your TV appearance with Rev. Pacwa was intellectually bracing.
    Sheila A. Waters
    Bronxville NY

  3. We're Americans and have lived all over the U.S. Thankfully, we only came across "grits" in the southeast. Just say "no, thank you" when they're about to plop a glop of them onto your plate!
    As always, it was WONDERFUL to have you on EWTN, especially with Fr. Mitch! Thank you for discussing such important topics. One hour is never enough! Btw, you look BEAUTIFUL!
    Our family loves learning more about our faith from you (and your husband). Hope you can do another extended series for EWTN. We get very excited when we hear you're coming back on EWTN! You have so much to teach and do it so well. Hoping you won't have that same dreadful "kitchen" for your newest Feasts and Seasons! Warmest blessings, the O's (whose daily breakfast is... fresh fruits!)

  4. LOL on the American breakfest. Most Americans do not eat grits. That's strictly a southern thing. I don't like grits personally. So glad to hear EWTN is thriving. Obama will not be president forever, and except for the most extreme there isn't real support for his retriction on religious freedom. It will not last. I've reached a point where I cannot stomach listening or watchin Obama any more.

  5. I always liken grits to that stuff Oliver Twist asked for more of in the workhouse.

  6. Anonymous2:20 pm

    Watched loved your talk with FR.Mitch.x
