Tuesday, October 09, 2012

The SSPX...

...have a rather horrid booklet that seems to be used for recruiting purposes: some one sent me a copy a couple of weeks ago. It has a section on Jews that is really nasty  and various angry tirades which reveal a mixture of bitterness, sneers, anger and confusion over the Church and her teachings. I honestly didn't know that their official line was like this. Ugh.


  1. Cou7ld you please give more details--publisher, author, date of publication, and also quote the offending language?

  2. Certainly not. It would be quite wrong to spread this horrid material any further.

  3. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  4. Alenka12:31 am

    I do understand your point, Joanna but part of me wants to get chapter and verse on this because so many well-meaning people are blind to some of the highly unpleasant views that some (not all), of the SSPX hold. Those that don't ought to break ranks and enter the Church in a spirit of humility, agreeing to keep to the Pope's rules, not theirs, as the Ordinariate Anglicans did. Though for now, according to reports, the SSPX have dug their heels in too far and too long and have exasperated the good Archbishop Muller to the point where they are shortly to be toast.
    Interestingly I've just come away from reading a comment on another (rather uber traddie) blog which stated that an SSPX priest would refuse Holy Communion to women not wearing veils. Not one of the most important issues but scary I think!

  5. For correspondents who are annoyed that their comments have not been printed: please note I will not publish anything that contains material that is insulting to Jewish people.
