Friday, October 26, 2012

Glorious... from the Cardinal Vaughan Schola,  in concert at the Carmelite Church, Kensington, with funds raised going to Aid to the Church in Need.  The magnificent singing was interspersed with Scripture readings and other meditations, all honouring Mary, read by Fr Dominic Allain, the school Chaplain. It was a theological as well as a music feast. I have known and loved this Carmelite Church all my adult life - J. and I went there sometimes when we were engaged, and then many years later I found myself there giving Marriage Preparation talks to young couples...

The Schola, which has become famous over recent years for its superb singing, is in really magnbificent voice at the moment, and offers one of London's finest musical experiences.

1 comment:

  1. Dear AJ
    Do you know about the pro-life/pro-familty 'Ocean to Ocean' pilgrimage of an icon of Our Lady of Czestochowa? She is travelling from Vladivostock to Fatima, and will arrive in the UK on Nov 5th (Dover-Canterbury-London-Walsingham-Birmingham-Manchester-Edinburgh-Scotland). It is a joint Catholic and Orthodox-orgnanised venture. see for details. Please could you give it a plug on your blog? It would be great to have as many turning out as possible at the various locations for mass/rosary etc- all with the intention in defense of life. Many thanks
